Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa C/ Nicolás Cabrera nº 1; Campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, SpainIt will be the first meeting among UBIred integrating groups. The main aim of the meeting is to introduce the Networking Projects and to present the Working Groups. UBIRed CBMSO, 5 de Diciembre de 2018 Ramón Areces Auditorium PROGRAM 10:00-11:15 Rosa Farràs Targeting the Polyamine-Hypusine axis in cáncer José Luis Rosa Regulation of cell proliferation by the ubiquitin ligase HERC1 Gaël Roue Targeting ubiquitin-proteasome system…
Druggability of the Ubiquitin System – which road to take?
CEDOC (Lisbon) - Auditorium Professor Manuel Machado Macedo R. Câmara Pestana 6, Lisboa, PortugalPost-translational modifications (PTM) by members of the Ubiquitin (Ub) family represent an efficient way to regulate almost every biological process. Defects in this homeostatic equilibrium, result in pathologies such as cancer, neurodegeneration, inflammation or multiple infections. For this reason, this research area has become very attractive for fundamental scientists as well as for the pharmaceutical industry aiming to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention. Our…
Crosstalk between Ub family members under stress conditions
CIPF- Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe C/ Eduardo Primo Yúfera 3, Valencia, Valencia, SpainUBICODE & UBIRED TRAINING SESSION MARCH 11-15, 2019 CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN PRÍNCIPE FELIPE - VALENCIA, ES In this course we will use tools and technologies to determine the modification of substrates with Ub/UbLs, to learn about their specificity, affinity and their applications.. The capacity to capture and identify distinct chains with these tools will be analysed and compared. Strategies include His6 purification, pan or chain-selective molecular…
Training course | CNRS-CIPF | VALENCIA
CIPF- Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe C/ Eduardo Primo Yúfera 3, Valencia, Valencia, SpainCrosstalk between Ub family members under stress conditions 11-15 MARCH 2019 Open blog post